Lady sleeping on the sofa

If incessant snoring constantly suppresses your dreams of silent nights,  there are several facts that you need to know.

Snoring affects persons of all ages,  all over the world.  In the United States alone, there are an estimated 40 million snorers.  In the United Kingdom, the number is around 15 million, with the total climbing to over 15 million in Germany.  Across the globe,  snoring caused by nasal airway blockages, afflicts more than a billion people. Read more . . .

Man sleeping on a car's back seat

Constant weariness during the daytime is a sure sign that the person is not getting enough sleep. If you snore badly then this could be the reason why you aren’t getting enough sleep.

The problem with sleep deprivation is that so many people have suffered from it for so long that they do not actually realize that they are deprived. They, instead, go on day after day not realizing that they exist only on probably half the resources that their body should have. Simply put, they do not recognize that they have a sleeping problem. Read more . . .

Sleeping and snoring time

Contemplating on your lifestyle, you realize that you must make important changes. You are a snorer and this fact is becoming an issue between you and your partner.

All you have to do is to make some simple changes to see if they will lessen the racket you make whenever you go to sleep. Start by checking on your weight. If you are a man and you are even 20% over your recommended weight then that is one factor that will make you snore. Read more . . .

Husband, wife, company brochure on snoring

Snoring is more than an annoying habit.  It can be a symptom of sleep apnea.  This condition takes simple snoring to a new and often dangerous level.

Sleep apnea is a disorder that can bear a terrible toll on health and overall quality of life.  This degenerative condition can strike at any age.  Left untreated, sleep apnea can grow more serious over time.  If you are at risk of suffering from sleep apnea, there are some steps that you can take now to reduce your chances of developing the condition in the future. Read more . . .

Man snoring, wife awake

No matter how much you care about your partner, if the love of your life is a snorer you need to take action.  Protect yourself from sleep deficit and the associated effects this has on your body, mind and spirit.

The problem with sleep deficit is that it takes a long time to correct and restore. This is like the worst kind of bank overdraft — the interest charged is nearly impossible to repay.

Trying in vain to sleep when your partner is snoring can lead to insomnia. This condition seems to affect more women than men.  Insomnia Read more . . .