Doctor prescribed solution

With surveys showing that 40% of American adults snore frequently, it is surprising why treatments for snoring are little known to many of us. The truth is, there are many things that you can do to aid problems such as sleep apnoea and snoring. One of the first things you should know about snoring is what are the factors that promote snoring? Snoring troubles can often be attributed to such factors as alcohol usage, weight gain, and the anatomy of a person’s jaw. Read more . . .

Eliminate snoring

Eliminate snoring

Are you wondering if snoring is a problem that you can pass on to your kids? Sadly, the answer is yes, you can. According to a research study published in the journal “Chest”, children that have at least one parent who snored were 3 times more likely to snore themselves when compared to children whose parents had no snoring problem. The study was undertaken in order to more accurately determine the inheritance of snoring due to the fact that snoring is “the primary sign of sleep-disordered breathing”. Read more . . .

President Theodore Roosevelt

Snoring can touch any body. So when you are lying there at night feeling whatever emotion snoring causes you to feel – hopelessness, frustration, annoyance or pride, you should remember that you are one among a very large and varied group. Some very famous individuals were known to be snorers. Many of the popular snorers have the basic characteristics that many snorers share. Napoleon Bonaparte displayed many of the typical signs. He was obese, with a thick, short neck and was believed to have had a nasal blockage. Read more . . .

Cat in deep sleep

A lot of people who have pets gladly allow them to sleep not only in their rooms but on their beds too. Interestingly, more cat owners are likely to allow their pets on the bed. At least seven percent of these cats are going to snore. Snoring cats normally have one of a very few reasons for their melodious nighttime sounds. One likely reason is the shape of the cat’s head. If the animal is one of the short faced breed, also called pushed in or flat faced, then snoring is almost guaranteed. Those beautiful  Read more . . .

Illustration of sleeping man with anti snoring device

If you or anyone in your family snores, you will understand how desperate people are to discover a cure for this problem.

Whilst snoring is not a health condition in itself, it can be a symptom of a number of illnesses and it can lead to sleep deprivation, mental stress and even accidents. Sadly, it can also lead to the breakdown of relationships.

The possibility of finding a treatment for snoring has seen the introduction of all  Read more . . .