Sleeping and snoring time

Contemplating on your lifestyle, you realize that you must make important changes. You are a snorer and this fact is becoming an issue between you and your partner.

All you have to do is to make some simple changes to see if they will lessen the racket you make whenever you go to sleep. Start by checking on your weight. If you are a man and you are even 20% over your recommended weight then that is one factor that will make you snore. Read more . . .

Man with plaster patches on the head

Studies show that there is an actual connection between chronic headache sufferers and snorers. Is there a connection in their triggers? Everybody is aware of the fact that there are foods, drinks, and other things one does that can all but guarantee a person to become prone to snoring like a symphony throughout the night. These include having a late large meal, drinking milk before bedtime, consuming alcohol, and intake of any type of dairy food late into the evening. Read more . . .

Pilot sleeping in the airplane

If you spend sleepless nights due to snoring, it’s time to make a little noise.  Whether you snore, or share close quarters with someone who does, you should know that there are surgical methods that can stop the problem.  When other stop-snoring remedies have failed, ask your doctor about surgical options.

Several different surgical methods are available to control or eliminate snoring. Here are some details on the most common procedures:

* UPPP or Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty:  This procedure expands the airway, often ending the snoring.  It’s an Read more . . .

Man snoring, wife awake

No matter how much you care about your partner, if the love of your life is a snorer you need to take action.  Protect yourself from sleep deficit and the associated effects this has on your body, mind and spirit.

The problem with sleep deficit is that it takes a long time to correct and restore. This is like the worst kind of bank overdraft — the interest charged is nearly impossible to repay.

Trying in vain to sleep when your partner is snoring can lead to insomnia. This condition seems to affect more women than men.  Insomnia Read more . . .

Nine months pregnant

All sorts of people usually snore for all sorts of reasons. Snoring can be caused by airway obstructions, weight, muscle tone,  and a host of other medical conditions. Men, women and children are all susceptible to snoring.

However, when snoring occurs during pregnancy, there may be a cause for concern. Snoring during pregnancy is sometimes a result of a condition called ‘hypertension’. This potentially devastating circumstance can affect the health and even pose a risk of death for both mother and child. Hypertension can also trigger developmental delays in the unborn child. Read more . . .