Lady sleeping on the sofa

If incessant snoring constantly suppresses your dreams of silent nights,  there are several facts that you need to know.

Snoring affects persons of all ages,  all over the world.  In the United States alone, there are an estimated 40 million snorers.  In the United Kingdom, the number is around 15 million, with the total climbing to over 15 million in Germany.  Across the globe,  snoring caused by nasal airway blockages, afflicts more than a billion people. Read more . . .

Monitoring gadget on left forefinger

Let’s say you have a snoring problem, and you wake most mornings to your partner’s cold shoulder.  Or, your partner snores and you can no longer stand one more thunderous night.  It’s a big problem, but treatment alternatives are available.

Sooner or later in every snorer’s life, there comes a time when the condition stops being an annoying habit, and starts being a legitimate trouble.  You, or your partner, can’t avoid the issue anymore.  Something has to be done, but what?  There are several options that can make a real difference. Read more . . .

Infant in deep sleep

A parent’s love of his or her child is,  hopefully,  unconditional,  so parents of children who snore will often regard their child’s habit as an adorable trait.  Childhood snoring can signify a medical problem,  so there may be nothing “cute” about it.

It is estimated that around 3% to 12% of preschool children snore.  Most of these children will otherwise  look quite healthy and fit. This kind of snoring experienced by children is called primary snoring.

Another  two percent of young children will suffer from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), which is being Read more . . .

Man sleeping on a car's back seat

Constant weariness during the daytime is a sure sign that the person is not getting enough sleep. If you snore badly then this could be the reason why you aren’t getting enough sleep.

The problem with sleep deprivation is that so many people have suffered from it for so long that they do not actually realize that they are deprived. They, instead, go on day after day not realizing that they exist only on probably half the resources that their body should have. Simply put, they do not recognize that they have a sleeping problem. Read more . . .

Pinch the nose

There’s a reason that snoring sounds like a trumpet blast.  It’s because your sinuses are air filled cavities located behind your eyes, nose cheeks and forehead.  Sinus cavities are lined with mucous-secreting membranes and connected to the nasal cavity behind the nose by a series of narrow channels.

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinuses.  This condition can be chronic (long term) or acute (rapid onset and equally rapid improvement with or without treatment). Read more . . .