Sleeping and snoring time

Contemplating on your lifestyle, you realize that you must make important changes. You are a snorer and this fact is becoming an issue between you and your partner.

All you have to do is to make some simple changes to see if they will lessen the racket you make whenever you go to sleep. Start by checking on your weight. If you are a man and you are even 20% over your recommended weight then that is one factor that will make you snore.

Just the right weight? Let’s take a closer look to see what other healthy changes you can make. Making a change in your eating habits would surely help. 

Forget about eating big meals and avoid rich or fatty meals late in the evening. Don’t eat or drink any dairy products late in the evening. This is where a warm glass of milk before bedtime should be avoided. All of these would only cause throat blockage and contribute to one more night of snoring.

Actually, there is a list of doctor-recommended foods that should be avoided before bedtime. These include dairy, chocolate, fried foods, baked goods, or frozen foods.

Several studies show that taking vitamin C will actually make you snore more. Alcoholic drinks are also a no-no.

Alcohol acts as an anesthetic on the throat muscles, which causes them to collapse. Alcohol dilates the blood vessels that results to swelling of the fatty tissues in the throat. This is turn constricts the airway resulting in a snore.

Quit smoking because smoking produces mucous in the throat that affects the width and normal activity of the airway. Studies have proven that smoking can cause throat irritation which is another causal factor for nighttime snoring.

Don’t be disheartened though, you can still enjoy some things without increasing the risk of nighttime snoring. You can enjoy having dinner as long as it is not eaten too late at night.

If you love lobster or scallions, go ahead and indulge because not only do they taste good, both are considered as anti-snore foods. It is believed that both help tone the trachea thus reducing snores or in some cases even eliminates it. The other anti-snore foods include mustard greens, seaweeds, pears, leeks, thyme, garlic, horseradish, and onions.

Let’s see if we got everything down – no smoking, no alcoholic drinks, time limit for food intake, and no rich-foods. The list of anti-snore foods is quite small and most of the foods included are just an addition to a meal not really a main course material.

You then begin to ask yourself if all these changes are really worth it just to stop snoring. YES is the all resounding answer particularly if it will help you and your partner sleep more peacefully.

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