Lady sleeping on the sofa

If incessant snoring constantly suppresses your dreams of silent nights,  there are several facts that you need to know.

Snoring affects persons of all ages,  all over the world.  In the United States alone, there are an estimated 40 million snorers.  In the United Kingdom, the number is around 15 million, with the total climbing to over 15 million in Germany.  Across the globe,  snoring caused by nasal airway blockages, afflicts more than a billion people.

Studies has provided clear insight into the many problems of snoring. An estimated 20 percent of men in their early thirties snore, compared to nearly 5 percent of women in the same age bracket.  By the time they reach their sixties, these numbers climb significantly, to 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women.

It’s believed that the percentage of men who snore is higher, simply because men tend to have bigger necks.  A neck size of at least 17 inches almost guarantees a snoring problem.  More often, men also tend to be overweight than women,  increasing the likeliness of snoring.  Most men, about 80 percent, don’t consider  snoring to be a concern; they simply complain that their wives are light sleepers.

Woman who snore are normally shorter and heavier that their female non-snoring counterparts. Men who snore tend to do so through their mouths and noses, although women normally snore only through the nose.  The reasons women are less likely than men to snore, is just because they tend to have smaller necks, bigger air passages and a smaller uvula.   However, when the problem surfaces, women are more likely than men to find a treatment for the snoring concern.

Young children who snore often do so because of adenoid or tonsil problems. Studies prove that as many as six percent of young children snore.

Some healthcare professionals are worried that snoring, along with its causes and outcomes, is not taken seriously enough in the medical field. During routine physicals, doctors rarely ask about the patients’ sleeping practices.  Studies suggest that while 70 percent of sufferers mention their sleep concerns to their doctors, only 10 percent try to follow up by applying treatment methods.  In like manner, dentists, who design and fit the mouth appliances worn to prevent snoring, almost never ask about sleeping difficulties with their patients.

The general public and medical field needs to be provided with more education on snoring and related sleep disorders. Sleep apnea, a medical problem that can cause potentially dangerous health problems, is hazardous to both the individual suffering from it, and those who come in contact with them.  According to recent study, there are more motor vehicle accidents caused by those with sleep disorders than those caused by drunk drivers.  Studies have revealed that 74 percent of people with sleep apnea have had at least one car accident.

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More than 80 percent of snorers are not even aware that they’re snoring, unless the trouble is pointed out to them.  They blissfully sleep, while some struggle to rest against the ongoing racket.  If someone in your home snores, or tells you that you’ve been snoring, it’s worth mentioning to your medical doctor.  Don’t forget, snoring can be the first indicator of sleep disorders.

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