Poster of the group "The Singing Revolution"

Today, chronic snorers are singing a new tune, thanks to a new technique.

There are many various approaches to stopping snoring, but not all of them work for everyone.  Surgical answers have sometimes been considered as a last resort, but there may be a gentler substitute.  In 1999, a research group in the United Kingdom performed tests to see if singing exercises could be used to strengthen the palate, causing it to be less flabby and finally, less likely to vibrate and cause snoring.

The researchers found 20 individuals who snored on a nightly basis.  These subjects were recorded for 7 consecutive nights to track how often they snored, and how loud their snoring was.  At the end of the trial period, the subjects were recorded once more.  The recorders were voice activated, in effect,  they only recorded the nightly snore fest. After  the initial recording period, the subjects were given singing lessons.  These people were also instructed to conduct voice exercises for 20 minutes each day over a period of 3 months.  The researchers called or dropped in to visit their subjects on a regular basis, to encourage participation and verify their progress.  They were thrilled at the results, which showed that those who practiced the exercises according to their routines, and who were not overweight, definitely made improvements.

It’s interesting to observe that the woman who ran this study, Alise Ojay, was a drama therapist.  She had recommended singing exercises to help a friend whose relationship was faltering due to his incessant snoring.  After giving her a recording of his nightly racket, her expertise as a choir director told her that his palate sounded like it required some exercise.

After the success of the university study, Ms. Ojay started to design an exercise program that could be completed by snorers at home, on their own schedules.  In two years, she had developed a complete do-it-yourself program.  In total, three audio CDs of vocal instruction were compiled, to exercise the throat areas and the soft palate. The completed program, called “Singing for Snorers”,  focuses on exercises that effectively strengthen these muscles.

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While these “Singing for Snorers” exercises have proven successful for many, of course, they’re not for everyone.  Those who report the highest levels of success seem to have begun snoring later in life.  They are not overweight, and they do not suffer from physical nasal or throat blockages such as tonsil difficulties or nasal polyps.

If you, or the noisy person in your bed, can benefit from this regime, you should understand that it requires a commitment to performing this daily exercises.   The “Singing for Snorers” program is available to purchase online at for roughly $85 U.S.  It’s a small price to pay for a truly silent night.

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