Snorers in the train

Snoring is a medical problem that can lead to further physical problems for the snorer, as well as emotional conflict for the snorer’s partner. Relationships have come to an end when one person cannot survive with the string of sleepless nights triggered by their noisy partner.

So while surgery may seem like an extreme way to cure or control  snoring, many welcome it as the source of a new life.

Surgery can be an effective treatment and even a cure for snoring, but it should be considered only after all other alternatives have been explored.  Finding a solution to snoring could be as simple as making a few lifestyle modifications.

Reduction of body mass and weight loss can help alleviate snoring.  The weight of the person is an essential factor in snoring, because fatty tissues around the neck area can constrict the air passages, making the snoring worse.

Excessive alcohol use can also trigger snoring, as it relaxes the muscles surrounding the airwaves.  Alcohol use can cause snoring to become worse than it normally would be, and may even lead to a problem called sleep apnea.

If surgery is to be used as a treatment, one form of surgery that can be used to manage snoring is uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP). LAUP is a relatively new process that has been found to be effective in reducing the snoring in many patients.  The LAUP treatment entails the use of a handheld gun that removes any excess tissue from the uvula and soft palate. Because this operation makes the actual airways wider, vibrations causing the snoring are reduced.

LAUP is a relatively simple procedure and can be done by a surgeon under a local anesthetic.  The operation takes about 30 minutes and can be done without admission to the hospital, unless there is problem about side effects.  Sadly,  for some patients, the first treatment is not always successful, and some people with very serious snoring problems will have to return for a subsequent treatment. Other patients have required up to 6 treatments before the operation was considered a success.  When subsequent treatments are needed, they are generally scheduled 4 to 6 weeks apart. Obviously, the more treatments that are required, the more expensive the treatment becomes.

The beauty of LAUP treatment for snoring is that there are no serious side effects to be concerned about. Apparently, the patient will have a very sore mouth and throat for a number of days, but once this has healed, the benefits can be enormous. In some instances, at the patient’s request, the surgeon has even raised and lowered the pitch of their voice.

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Surgical treatment is, of course, a serious consideration for any snorer.  It’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons of all treatments to find the one that’s best.  The snorer, spouse and whole household will enjoy happy well-rested days, and silent nights.


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